Cavan Institute is an approved college for Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) maintenance grants.
PLC maintenance grants are available to eligible students attending full-time courses in Cavan Institute.
This grant must be applied for, through Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI).
Medical Card Holders
Students who are medical card holders may be exempt from the government PLC levy and Irish
state examination fees only.
This exemption does not apply to any other examination body whose qualifications are available at Cavan Institute.
Grants are handled by SUSI.
This maintenance grant is paid each month directly into the students' bank account.
This grant is a means tested grant. Use the SUSI Eligibility Reckoner to assess your eligibility.
Cavan Institute is required to monitor student attendance in order to determine if a student should continue to receive grant assistance during the academic year.
Are you 21 or over, in receipt of a Social Welfare payment and participating in a full-time course at Cavan Institute?
Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) may be for you. You can download a form here.
For more information email adriennecunningham@cavaninstitute.ie or 049 4332633 ext 102.
The Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) allows qualifying persons to return to full-time education in approved courses while continuing to get income support.
The BTEA allows people in receipt of certain social welfare payments to retain those payments whilst participating in approved full-time courses in further and higher education.
All information in respect of the BTEA is available from the Department of Social Protection at www.welfare.ie or www.studentfinance.ie
HEA Fund for Students with Disabilities
The Fund for Students with Disabilities allocates funding to further and higher education
colleges for the provision of services and supports to full-time students with disabilities. The fund aims to ensure that students can participate fully in their academic programmes and are not disadvantaged by reason of a disability.
Applications to the fund are made on behalf of an eligible
student by Cavan Institute following an assessment of needs under HEA fund for Students with Disabilities. Applications cannot be made directly to the fund by students.
For further information on the types of disabilities covered under the fund and the supports available, speak to Maureen Lynch, Special Educational Needs Coordinator at Cavan Institute, or check the Department of Education and Skills website www.education.ie or www.studentfinance.ie
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please get in touch. You can apply online through our website. We have a FAQ page and course fees are easily accessed.