An exciting week for our Mens GAA team! They travel to UL on Wednesday, 6 December 2023, to play University of Limerick at 2 pm at Maguires Pitches, UL, Castletroy, Limerick in the League Final.

If you are near Limerick, be sure to support the team!
The squad is made up of players from a wide variety of courses including: Carpentry Techniques, Sustainable Construction, Pre- Apprenticeship Carpentry, Construction Technology, Architecture Tech & Design, Sport and Fitness Year 1, Sports Therapy and Physiotherapy Assistant Year 1, Sport and Fitness with Personal Training Year 2, Advanced Sports Therapy and Physiotherapy Assistant Year 2, Business Studies, Pre-University Primary and Post Primary Teaching, Pre-University Science with Sports, Engineering Technology, Applied Social Studies, Electrical Apprenticeship.
We wish the management team and the squad all the best of luck on Wednesday. Our Director, Dr Niall McVeigh, spoke with the team to wish them well with their endeavours.
The players do a great job of representing Cavan Institute but they are all very proud of their home clubs also. Clubs represented are: Shannon Gaels Killeshandra Leaguers GAA Ballyhaise GAA Cootehill Celtic Aughnamullen GAA Cornafean GFC Templeport St Aidans Gaa Killygarry GAA Swanlinbar St Mary's GAA Club Lavey GAA Ballinagh GAA Club Latton O'Rahilly GAA Club St Brigids GFC Ballinacree Killinkere GFC Moynalty Gaa Club Ramor Utd GFC Butlersbridge GAA Crosserlough GFC Eadestown Gaa Arvagh Gaa Kildallan GAA
Apprenticeship Ireland The Anglo-Celt Cavan County Board Monaghan GAA Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board - CMETB