The first cohort of students on the Pre-University Primary and Post-Primary Teaching course had a year-end get-together organised by class tutor, Margaret Tiernan. This event marked a hugely successful first run of this course and acknowledged the efforts of both students and teachers alike throughout the year. Margaret was joined by students, subject tutors Finola, Bryan and Michelle, who taught on the course, as well as school head, Bridget McGibney, and deputy director, Louise Clarke.

Among the students are future primary teachers and post-primary teachers, including PE teachers and teachers of Home Economics, Agricultural Science and English. All the students have clear pathways mapped out and colleges identified to which they hope to progress. Career guidance and one-to-one mentorship was the USP of this course and it's clear the students are ready to take the next step, confident in their future as aspiring teachers.

This was an exceptional class of young future teachers, and Cavan Institute looks forward to welcoming and training the next class of future teachers from September 2023. Applications are now open for this course.