Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
This strategic plan, the culmination of two years’ work by a wide variety of stakeholders, has been driven largely by Cavan Institute’s staff, who have demonstrated their capacity to identify new opportunities, seek excellence and embrace change. They have been central to the Institute’s success and will accept readily the responsibilities associated with the implementation of the proposed strategy.
The development of the plan involved extensive teamwork. In addition to a Strategic Planning Steering Group, led by the management team, working groups were established for specific tasks. The contribution of staff members who joined these groups was highly significant in that they conducted the research, undertook the data collection and put forward ideas of central importance to the future of the Institute. Institute students and graduates, who were consulted by different means and at various stages, have also helped to shape this vision.
The involvement of staff from post-primary schools, Youthreach, the adult education sector, Institutes of Technology (AIT, DKIT and ITB) and NUI Maynooth has helped to determine the thrust of the final document and, through an on-going partnership, to reflect the important role played by this Institute in Irish further education. It is expected that the extent and level of consultation associated with this plan will provide added credibility to its ultimate aim, which is to enrich the lives and enhance the career prospects of each student whom Cavan Institute is privileged to serve

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